Net Worth Update – June 2018

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6 Responses

  1. mawermoney says:

    Great work – nearly at $1.5M!

    • Tom says:

      Thanks Greg! I have found myself with a bunch of small milestones over time, $1.5m, more outside house than in house etc. Great for motivation.

  2. Very nice. It is only after 7-10 years when you start seeing the magic of compounding. You are at that stage. All the best.

  3. Dear Tom,

    Happy New Year!

    I am updating a post on FI and FIRE bloggers net worths’ (a la JMoney aka J$), and I have his blessing.

    Would you like to be included? If so, I would be happy to include your number of $AUD 1,480,000 (noting this is $USD 1,095,200) and link to this post: (I will be sure to note this is as of June 30, 2018).

    If you have a specific link you want me to link, please include it!

    You can see the blog post here:

    Thank you,
    Into the FIRE

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